Adobe Photoshop x Karen Katar

Ps. I Love You

Valentine’s Day Campaign 2023


In my capacity as an #AdobePartner, I was invited to design personalized Ps Valentine's Day memes and cards using the diverse features of Photoshop. These unique creations were featured across Ps social platforms, offering the community a delightful array of options to screenshot and share with their work besties, BFFs, or crushes. Infused with my artistic style, these designs encompass a spectrum of expressions—be it humor, fun, or sheer beauty. The creative PS community celebrate Valentine's Day with customizable and shareable creations from artist around the world.

Looking for creative & design services?

Let’s work together!

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business or your company needs a re-brand. Maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Or maybe you’re a brand looking for creative content for a campaign. Whatever it is, the way you visually communicate your story can make all the difference.

Send me an email and let’s talk about your story.


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